Eladó Téglalakás,


Eladó Téglalakás

197.25 millió Ft

Marbella Cancelada
107 m2
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Kérés elküldése

LEGFELSŐ EMELETI 106,5nm-es PENTHOUSE lakás, nappali + 2szobával, 74 nm-es terasszal,  197,25 M Ft-ért eladó. (526 000€)



The large and well distributed interior spaces of Capri stand out for their spaciousness and luminosity. Thanks to the large terraces of the apartments, the solariums of the penthouses and the private gardens on the ground floor. The wonderful surrondings of the Costa del Sol form part of each property.The large and well distributed interior spaces of


Capri stand out for their spaciousness and luminosity. Thanks to the large terraces of the apartments, the solariums of the penthouses and the private gardens on the ground floor. The wonderful surrondings of the Costa del Sol form part of each property.


The soft, singular lines of Capri blend into the landscape, generating a symbiosis between the buildings and the gardens. An integrating vision based on the premise that good architecture is based on respect for and integration into its urban and natural context..


Capri is set in a natural environment of great beauty. The coastline of Malaga and the Sierra Bermeja area give rise to a biodiversity and a variety of climates and landscapes unique in Spain.

Common Areas

Amongst the very complete communal  facilities at Capri, a special mention should be made of its two outdoor swimming pools, its coworking space,  fully equipped gymnasium and sauna with shower area.



Szabó Róbert

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